Friday, 3 April 2020

This tree is not dead yet

Some decades ago we planted a Cambridge Gage. One of the branches started looking sick and was first pruned, then, the next year cut off completely.

A few years later, one very wet summer, it fell over so that one branch was touching the ground..

We froze as many of the greengages as possible, thinking the tree would die.

But still it cropped and either I picked them or if I was on holiday Ruth did.
Insects started eating the dead wood where the sick branch had been cut off, but the other side of the tree was fine.

Last summer was a good year for plums and it had a heavy crop. It fell over so that it was flat on the ground, the hollow trunk cracked across. I propped up as many drooping branches as possible so that the gages could ripen. And decided not to cut it down until Spring. Not much hope.
But now look at it.
It needs some pruning work, but (weather permitting) I should still get fruit.

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