Friday, 12 August 2016

we picked plums ,strawberries ,brambles and we ate some . We needed some peas for tea.  tom saw a dragon fly that was yellow and brown. Maybe it was a Black-tailed Skimmer female .    

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

we were picking bad greengages today we found 5 bad ones and 40 ripe ones.
 tom tasted one and it was nice, because it was juicy.

Sunday, 7 August 2016

There were lots of butterflies on the sunny Buddleia plants. 4 Peacocks, 3 Red Admirals, lots of Cabbage Whites and 2 SpeckledWoods.
Tom helped finish digging up the potatoes, and picking plums. We found some ripe plums and took the bad ones off the trees. Granny used the step-ladder, but Tom climbed the tree.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

We were picking plums today and Tom found a ripe czar plum and they ate it.